Responsible Investor: Brunel pledges voting action in light of Shell’s rejection of emissions resolution

Faith Ward, Chief Responsible Investment Officer at Brunel Pension Partnership, has spoken to Responsible Investor to criticise Shell’s justification for rejecting a recent Follow This resolution on the company’s approach to emissions targets and reporting.
“Given the scale of its operations and its influence, Shell should fulfil its commitment to set appropriate targets, engage with its value chain and shape policy to enable a smooth energy transition – we don’t perceive these activities as value-destructive,” Faith told Responsible Investor. “In fact, they are in line with our fiduciary duty as an investor to ensure that the company meets its climate commitments.”
The article also quoted fellow co-filers: AP3, the Swedish pension fund; Nest, a UK pension scheme; and Rathbones, a UK asset manager.
The proposal was signed by a wide variety of investors, including Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek, the €85bn Dutch pension fund.
You may like to access the full Responsible Investor article (note registration requirement/paywall): Brunel to oppose Shell Board members
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