Five years old! Thank you to all members of our partnership

When I was five, wrote A. A. Milne, I was just alive.
At five years old, Brunel is not just alive – we are thriving! We have transitioned £35 billion of client assets into 17 listed market portfolios and into private market portfolios across five asset classes.
Five years ago, we were an idea on a piece of paper. But in 2018 we received FCA authorisation and today we are looked to as a pioneering pension pool and leading light in Responsible Investment.
This transformation was only possible due to all the committed members of our partnership – and to their expertise. We therefore wanted to thank you all for making our progress possible.
Thank you to our clients and shareholders across the ten funds, who have ensured we are meeting their long-term aims so that they can deliver for their members.
Thank you to the Brunel Oversight Board for steering us in the right direction, identifying risks, and enabling us to grow.
Thank you to the asset managers who have made our investment priorities their own to meet the needs of our partnership.
Thank you to our external consultants and suppliers for your expertise and to our industry partners for helping us to amplify our voice – and values – in the industry.
Thank you, finally, to our staff, for delivering so much in such a short time – and to such a high standard.
There is no doubt that we are facing a tough period in the immediate future: high inflation and, doubtless, increased scrutiny of performance.
The reason we will succeed is the partnership we have all built – our community of responsible investors. We have been able to deliver so much in such a short time thanks to a wide range of skills and a lot of hard graft, but also to shared values and shared ambitions.
Thank you all for a remarkable half-decade!