FT publishes letter from Faith Ward and peers defending stakeholder capitalism

A letter written by Faith Ward and co-signed by more than fifty of her peers has been published by the Financial Times.
The letter responds to recent public dismissals of stakeholder capitalism – not least its incorporation of environmental and social factors into investment decision-making – as potentially detrimental to long-term value creation.
“We wish unanimously to reassert that our experience, and the evidence, show the opposite,” the letter’s signatories assert.
The letter’s primary author was Faith Ward but it was also signed by a number of CEOs across multiple pension funds. In all, signatories represent more than £675 billion of assets under management.
Brunel Pension Partnership identifies responsibility to stakeholders as one of its key values. Together with our clients, we have – from inception – placed Responsible Investment at the heart of how we operate. (For more on the emphasis we place on shared values and purpose, see our CEO’s recent article.)
The FT letter was published in both the physical newspaper (pp.20) and on the FT website. The online version listed only a minority of signatories.